Ingelligent Infrastructure Roads & Highways
Innovative Solutions for Designing and Building Roads & Road Structures
Build higher-performing,
lower-maintenance roads and road structures
The GEOWEB® 3D soil stabilization system is the ‘go-to’solution in road and highway work for its long-term stability and performance,design flexibility,and adaptability with varying grades, loading stresses, infill materials, and hydraulic conditions.Whether for new construction or repair work, build stronger, lower-maintenance roads and roadway structures with the GEOWEB® system-and with your own road and highway crews.

We Help You Find the Right Solution Our experienced engineering team provides free project evaluations. We analyze each project’s details and site conditions-and recommend a solutionsuited for your project.
We Help You Find the Right Solution Our experienced engineering team provides free project evaluations. We analyze each project’s details and site conditions-and recommend a solutionsuited for your project.

How the GEOWEB®System
Lowers Your Operating Costs

Saves on fill material by using 50% less cross-section.
Reduces paving depth by up to 30%.

Base Stabilization
Long Lasting Roads Start with
Strong Foundations
Under asphalt or concrete,the GEOWEBsystem performs as a semi-rigid beam, creating a stabilized layer over subbase soils. Deflection and settlement that cause pavement deterioration are significantly reduced. Rutting, potholes, and pavement degradation are aIso dramatically reduced. Base materials get stronger when confined in the GEOWEB® 3D system.
·Minimizes impact of differential and overall settlement even on low-strength subgrades.
·Reduces base materials by 50% or more by substantially reducing the loading impact on sub-surface soils.
Unpaved Roads
Transform Low-Quality Fill for Site Access
GEOWEB® 3D confinement strengthens fill materials to extend pavement life up to 10X with half the base materials. Save by using on-site, lower quality fill.Construct roads over soft soils with less cross section than geogrids. Expect fast and efficient installation, even in remote areas.
·Create grass and aggregate permeable pavements that infiltrate stormwater and reduce runoff.
Extend Pavement Life. Reduce Maintenance.
Confinement of fil reduces base requirements 50% or more.
Stronger base extends pavement life up to 10 times
Use Local Low-Quality Fill. Bridge Soft Subgrades.
Road Shoulders
Safe,”Structural Road Shoulders
Protect asphalt and concrete from deterioration and edge breaks with GEOWEB®-reinforced shoulders. Eliminate low and soft shoulder problems. Minimize erosion areas and rutting while maintaining safe, drivable functionality.
Water Flow
Design with permeable topsoil/aggregate for strong grassed shoulders that infiltrate water and reduce runoff.

Stabilize Slopes. Minimize Erosion Damage.
Create Stable,Erosion-Resistant Embankments
Protect road embankments susceptible to stability and erosion issues. The GEOWEB® 3D structure encapsulates the slope surface fill material-limiting movement and protecting the surface from sheet flow, preventing erosion. The cellular network offers a stable growth environment for vegetation.
Design with topsoil/vegetation,aggregate or concrete.
·Attain deep protection not provided by 2D planar ‘cover-only’ systems le.g. erosion blankets,TRMs). ·Build slopes steeper (>45 deg) than when surface is unconfined

Bridge Abutments Embankment Stabilization and
Bridge Pier Erosion Control Design structurally sound GEOWEB®bridge embankments with topsoil/vegetation,aggregate,or hard-armor concrete.
Vegetation blends with the natural environment. Aggregate and concrete slopes protect environments that are arid,prone to heavy surface runoff,and lack sunlight and moisture.
Retaining Walls
Steep Embankment Protection and Change-in-Grade Construction
GEOWEB®retaining walls create naturally-vegetated living structures while meeting structural design requirements. They are highly adaptable-tolerating reasonable differential settlement better than rigid MSE wall systems and retaining structural integrity even in poor base conditions. Design GEOWEB® retaining walls as gravity or reinforced structures.

Natural Aesthetics and Water Infiltration
Vegetation isthe most common treatment for GEOWEB® walls, allowing them to blend naturally with their environment. The open front cells allow rain water to permeate-and infiltrate runoff from road surfaces above the wall.

Green Alternative to MSE Block Walls
Rockface Protection and Rockfall Control
GEOWEB® rockface walls are designed as slope veneers without the need for additional earth reinforcement.They provide natural barriers to protect vulnerable embankments from erosion and potential rock fall along roadways

Channel Protection
Drainage Ditches and Stormwater Channels to Resist Any Hydraulic Condition
Design GEOWEB® channels to control erosion on channel slopes exposed to intermittent or continuous flow conditions with single or multi-layered systems.
Naturally-Vegetated Channels
Replace costly rip-rap with low-maintenance,grassed GEOWEB® channels in drainage ditches.
·GEOWEB®/TRM channels resist higher velocities and shear stresses (30 ft/sec,9m/sec) than when topsoil is unconfined.
·Obtain greater storage volume where space is limited with multi-layered channels.

Channel stabilization

Control Runoff. Expedite Drainage. Mitigate Flooding.
Hard-Armored Channels
Replace gabions and articulated concrete block systems with GEOWEB® concrete channels.
·No added form work or reinforcement required.
·Safe installation; no heavy/special lifting equipment required.